
Personal and Contact Information

Shown in your national identification document
Write the URL of your profile
Mirai Innovation does not discriminate against people with physical or learning disabilities. We strive to provide all participants with the required resources so they are able to excel in the programs.

Academic Background

Upload your CV in English to your preferred cloud service such as Dropbox or Drive and copy/paste the link. Please make sure the PDF file has public access permission. Not LinkendIn
Name of institution and location (city/country)


Professional Background

Program Fee - MIRI

After submitting your application, we will perform an initial screening. If you qualify to participate in the MIRI program you will be required to make the payment of a registration fee of $420 USD (non-refundable) plus the amount of tuition. Tuition: $500 USD per week (From 4 to 8 weeks) $450 USD per week (From 9 to 12 weeks) Plus Taxes (10%). The tuition should be paid in advance before arriving in Japan. The registration fee and/or tuition may be waived or discounted for partner university students. Please check with the counsellor of the international office of your university to see if your university is a partner of Mirai Innovation Research Institute.

MIRI Program

Application Consent MIRI

If selected as a Mirai Innovation Research Internship Program - MIRI Fellow, I agree to comply with all program terms and conditions and abide and Japan laws, including pertaining to my passport status. I have carefully read and agree to honour the details of this program and also acknowledge my responsibility to strictly follow the rules and regulations of my host organization in Japan. I understand that my participation in the Mirai Innovation Research Internship Program - MIRI depends upon authorization of Mirai Innovation Japan, and in case I do not comply with the rules and ethical conduct expected, my participation can be cancelled. I understand that I am not authorized to seek or carry out any other training or employment in Japan during the period covered by the Mirai Innovation Research Internship Program - MIRI. I understand that any misrepresentation will disqualify my candidacy. I certify that all of the statements in this form are correct and that I understand the qualifications and requirements of this program. I am aware that any violation of program conditions may cause Mirai Innovation Research Institute to withdraw my participation, resulting in a loss to complete my participation in the program, and that I will not be entitled to any reimbursement of costs. By typing my name below, I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, all information contained in this application is true. I agree that if selected as a Mirai Innovation Research Internship Program - MIRI Fellow, I will actively participate in all program activities including the pre-departure orientation, opening conference and closing summit, Japan-based fellowship, Mirai Innovation Research Internship Program - MIRI surveys, Alumni activities, and continued communication with all program members, including but not limited to partners, and Mirai Innovation Research Institute.
Fields with (*) are compulsory.